Sigillo di Ateneo

Enabling Environment

Our enabling environment at Ingegneria Reggio Emilia is a successful combination of two world famous, forward-thinking pedagogies - Design Thinking and Reggio Approach - fueled by a well integrated, multi-disciplinary, technological faculty.

Design Thinking is the Stanford Design Innovation Process that was pioneered by IDEO and that has fueled much of the entrepreneurial culture in the Silicon Valley. At the heart of the process is the notion that in order to innovate, one must understand the needs of the user and the context surrounding the design. It is a hot topic in the business, product design, and applied research fields. The best way to learn the tools and processes is to experience it through real world design innovation challenges.


Reggio Emilia Approach is instead an education pedagogy, directed at preschool and primary education, that aims to nurture children’s natural needs, creativity and curiosity, to cultivate children’s imagination and to respect their own self-development. Most importantly, Reggio Emilia Approach aims to reinforce the child’s sense of the possible, in order to nurture a “resourceful child” that can generate changes in their society and becomes a “producer of culture, values, and rights”.

The influence of the two approaches encouraged us to fully embrace a mission which is important to us and to our society: revolutionize the image of young people in the public opinion, and support them to unleash their full potential as innovators and change-agent, not only of the future, but especially of today. This is why Ingegneria Reggio Emilia created a collaborative environment that intensifies relationships between students, educators, researchers, citizens, and professionals. To enable our community to envision a better future and to pursue it with the support of the whole network.